Textile industry

Transportation for the textile industry

Always on time in shops

Choose Yawo Services and benefit from:

Textile industry
Fast textile transportation, depending on the season, campaign or request.
Textile industry
Predictable deliveries, with a well-established departure schedule.
Textile industry
Multimodal options available for direct transportation to stores, warehouses and factories.
Textile industry
Transportation services adapted to the shelf life of the products.
Textile industry
Flexibility in choosing the best routes thanks to the global courier network we are part of.
Textile industry
Dedicated solutions for consolidation and custom packaging or labeling.

Recommended transporation services

Thanks to the low costs, FCL and LCL shipping is, in most cases, the optimal solution for textile transport. But in case of urgent orders, we recommend fast air delivery options.

Poveste de succes

Este sâmbătă. Echipa Yawo Services primește o cerere urgentă de livrare a unei cabine de pilotaj pentru un avion Boeing 737. Aeronava trebuie să decoleze în mai puțin de 48 de ore. Din cauza fragilității echipamentului, opțiunea mai rapidă a transportul aerian este exclusă.

În acest caz, echipa Yawo Services organizează un transport rutier next drive out pentru a garanta livrarea în siguranță. Distanța de 1,530 de km din România în Italia este parcursă în doar 18 ore, iar echipamentul ajunge la timp pentru pregătirea avionului.

Speak with a transportation expert
for the textile industry

For details and price offers, contact us anytime at
247@yawo-services.com or office@yawo-services.com